*ESA Summer School **“Immigration in Europe”* University of Milan Department of Social and Political Studies July 3d-9^th , 2006

*ESA Summer School **“Immigration in Europe”*

University of Milan
Department of Social and Political Studies
July 3d-9^th , 2006

      Call for Applications

ESA organizes a one week international Summer School on “Immigration in
Europe” directed to doctoral students and young researchers in the field
coming from all European countries. The Summer School will take place at
the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Milan (Italy),
organized jointly with the department of Social and Political Studies
there, from July 3d through 9^th , 2006.

Grants are offered to applicants to participate to the school. ESA will
cover travel expenses up to a maximum of 300 euros/each; the University
of Milan will cover over expenses (lodging, food). Applications will be
selected by a committee; the number of selected participants is limited
to 30.

Selected participants are requested to arrive by the night of July 2d,
departure July 9^th . During 5 full working days (Monday-Friday) they
will attend lectures by an international team of speakers and take part
into workshops where they will present to the discussion their own
research project. The week-end will be free. The working language will
be English. All participants will receive a Certificate useful for
academic purposes.

A detailed programme of the Summer School will be ready soon and will
circulate on all available mailing lists. The call for applications is
open by January 2d, 2006; *_deadline for sending applications: March
31^st , 2006_*. Applicants will be notified of the selection by May
2d.2006 via e-mail.

Applications must include:

· personal data and contact numbers ( fill application form on the
website http://www.sociol.unimi.it/altrisiti/esa_registration )

· CV: academic qualifications, current position

· abstract of the research project (1-2 pages)

· at least one letter of a /referee /who’s familiar with the applicant’s

Registration through the application form. Send required files by e-mail
to the following address: giovanni.semi@unimi.it

_ESA Committee on post-doctoral research_: Catherine Delcroix (chair),
Constanza Tobio, Tommi Hoikkala, Valerji Mansurov

_Local Organizing Committee_: Giovanna Procacci, Maurizio Ambrosini,
Giovanni Semi (secretary)